To be followed by a more substantial talk about gardening and what I'm doing.
Is it bad when you need a map to know what's where?
- SSP - Sugar Snap Peas
- Spin - Spinach
- Mesc - Mesculun Blend (salad greens, basically)
- Rosa - Rosalita Romaine lettuce
- Gmt Lett - Gourmet lettuce blend
- Carr TdP - Carrot, Tonda di Parigi variety
- Carr Danv - Carrot, Danvers 126 variety
- Carr Purp - Carrot, Purple Haze variety
- Pot8 - Potatoes, Yukon Gold variety
- Strw Berry - ...strawberries. :)
Having only briefly flirted with the idea of gardening (and subsequently discovering that, as with so many other things, my interest therein was unrequited), I nonetheless vaguely remember some instructional document (either online or dead-tree) that *recommended* making such a map (although it might well have been fer the porpoises of the next of kin, should one pass away in midseason [grin]...)