Oh, and…

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Sam in a Tie
Originally uploaded by Erica Tesla.
In case you hadn't had your fill of absurdist, super-cute antics for the day, here's Sam. In a tie. And a t-shirt. I convinced him to do this when I saw a picture of a guy pulling it off (rather more successfully than Sam's slap-dash attempt, I'm afraid.)

I think it's clear what he has to say on the matter. ^_^

Postscript: Sam's explanation for that (as Moof put it) stunning tie is this: he never has to worry about it clashing with anything, because it clashes with itself. That's my boy.

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He has a lot more hair than the last photo I saw of him.

Oh, I know. It just goes to show how shamefully infrequently he allows me to point the camera in his direction. (And when I do point the camera at him, I get the finger.)

I'll post another photo here in a bit - one of us together.

I feel exactly the same way about ties. Evil, horrible things.

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This page contains a single entry by Erica published on June 27, 2005 1:55 AM.

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